Hockey Puck, Rattlesnake, Monkey Monkey Underpants

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

(Mini) Chickens and Llamas and Goats?! Oh my!

Today when I was, you know, stalking someone on facebook who I've only met a couple of times (don't judge, you know you do it too) I saw pictures of her holding the most adorable little baby goat, so I clicked on it. It was like a magical door to Narnia had opened for me! This was not a baby goat. This was a full grown African Pygmy Goat! What's that you ask? Oh let me just show you:
Yeah, you're oohing and aahing right now, I know. Calm down... it gets better.
So I keep looking through this photo album (which btw is not even the girl's who I was orginally stalking, it's her aunt's or someone else's I definitely do not know. I love facebook.) and I find that more pictures of tiny animals. Finally I figure out that... are you ready for this?... they are at a Miniature Animal Farm! It's a farm of teeny tiny miniature breeds of animals. OMG I've died and gone to cute and fuzzy heaven! (Don't worry, I checked it out and it's completely legit and safe. They're breeders who are very kind and respectful to the animals.)
You can go to the website here. They even sell the animals. I'm totally asking for this guy

for my next birthday.

I'm absolutely planning on visiting this place ASAP! So I'll be sure to take pictures of the ridiculous cuteness for you!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Now that you're curious

I would like to let you know that I started typing this the day after my first post, but work got so insanely hectic after that I had no time. I'm actually finishing it now while sitting in a hotel room in the middle of nowhere Alabama. Enjoy!

Since I only teased you yesterday with a little snippet of the plan I thought I could go ahead and give you a few details on the whole, moving 10 hours away thing.

What we know:

  • We are moving to Washington, DC.

  • I'll go to seminary and get a Master's of Divinity with a focus on Urban Ministry.

  • Our dogs will go with us.

  • Derek will be doing this great internship program the first semester we are there, which will hopefully lead to great contacts for a job!

  • I've already qualified for at least a 1/3 of tuition scholarship. We'll be going up in mid March for a Scholarship Competition so I can hopefully get more scholarships!

  • We'll go up again at the end of June/beginning of July to find an apartment.

  • We'll move right around the middle of August. (In my head it's planned for August 14th. We could try to move on the 13th, but that's Friday the 13th and even though I'm not normally supersticious I'd rather not chance that.)

  • We have to save every single penny possible between now and then.

  • In my head a lot of things are planned that could change completely.

  • I am so excited about this I could burst.

What we don't know:

  • Where we'll live.

  • Where we'll work.

  • Where we'll park (seriously, that's hard in DC).

  • How much of our stuff we'll actualy be able to fit inside what is sure to be a teeny tiny apartment.

  • If we'll like it ( I mean, I think we will, but there's no telling until we get there)

  • Where we'll be able to find jobs.

  • If we'll have friends (please God let us have friends!)

  • If we'll decide to make it our permanent home.

And so many other things. My brain is constantly swimming with thoughts about this whole process. From big picture things to the smallest of details I think and rethink and think some more about this incredible, exciting, wonderul adventure that I get to go on with my favorite person in the whole world. And of course these two bundles of cute:

Monday, February 15, 2010

Welcome people!

So, some of you may know me from here, but I needed a change of scenery so I moved. It's like blogs imitating real life. Derek and I, oh for those of you who don't know Derek, he's this awesome guy who was crazy enough to marry me:

Anyway, Derek and I will be moving to Washington, DC in 6 months. I'll be going to seminary here and he'll be interning for a semester then getting a full time job! So I wanted a place where friends and family (and maybe a few complete strangers) can keep up with what's going on throughout this whole process. Moving 10 hours away is going to make is a little difficult to keep everyone in the loop, so I figured I'd just post our lives on the internet. That's safe, right?

I promise I'll try to update much more consistently than with the last blog. That should be easier since now we actually have things going on in our lives. We are super excited about moving and starting our adventure! Can't wait to share it with you!